Thought Leadership

From The Heartland

Heartland's team has developed sector-specific intelligence in materials, agriculture, chemicals, manufacturing, supply chain, and sustainability. With that knowledge, our team has taken the time to write these e-books for you.

A Sustainable Industrial Revolution

Industry 5.0 - Sustainability Throughout The Value Chain

Innovations like big data, machine learning, smartphones, and IoT devices defined the fourth industrial revolution. In this next industrial revolution, leaders will start to put sustainability at the front and center of the decision-making process. This will create positive ripple effects across the world.

In this e-book, you will learn:

  • How the industrial revolutions 1-4 created the perfect storm for the 5th.
  • Why this industrial revolution is 'make it' or 'break it' for humans.
  • How to prepare for a quickly changing business environment.
Heartland eBook Cover Industry 5.0
Heartland eBook Cover Regen Ag
Engineering Earth

One Farm At A Time

Heartland has unlocked the secrets to practical, proven, and profitable regenerative farming practices.

Regenerative agriculture practices have been around for 10,000+ years. But, over time, we have increased our consumption and reliance on chemicals. This has removed our need for the traditional practices our ancestors relied on for generations.

In this e-book, you will learn:

  • The 3 regenerative agriculture practices you can start today.
  • Why 5% of America's land hold 80% of its biodiversity.
  • How these practices can add profits to a farmer's bottom line.
Sustainable Plastic

Lower Carbon Footprint & Lightweight Plastics

Our society moved from metal to plastic to create stronger, lighter, and cheaper products. Now that we have commoditized plastics, what's next? Through data, it has become clear which resins will win long term.

In this e-book, you will learn:

  • Where the original plastic materials came from.
  • How plastic became the most commonly used material on earth.
  • How sustainable additives and resins can drive material innovations.
Heartland eBook Cover POF
Heartland Industries

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